Your personal data is collected from you, processed and stored by EMA2 Limited (EMA Squared) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Only the absolute minimum amount of data is collected and is restricted to basic information required to complete ID
checks. Such information is name, date of birth, national insurance number, gender, address, marital status, spouse/partner (if applicable) and income details. Other personal data may be processed dependent on the nature of the retainer. The reason for requesting this information is exclusively for the purpose of EMA2 Limited (EMA Squared) to perform a service on your behalf. This is the lawful basis for collecting your personal data.
EMA2 Limited (EMA Squared) have robust systems in place in order to ensure your personal data is retained and processed securely and as such take all reasonable measures to protect your data such as firewalls for electronically held data and secure off site storage facilities for the retention of paper based data. By the nature of the retainer the firm will be required to share your personal data with legal experts and HMRC to obtain advice and assistance, translation agencies, and contracted suppliers who are under contract with us or have their own satisfactory privacy policies. These privacy policies will impose responsibilities on our contracted suppliers to process personal data only for the purpose it was provided to ensure its safe keeping, not to share with any 3rd party without written instruction and for that data to be returned upon request. Written agreements to this affect are in place with the firm’s IT provider, storage provider and our preferred suppliers if applicable. In addition, the firm may be required to share client’s personal data with external auditors or our regulator, Information Commissioners Office etc and any disclosure required by law or regulation such as the prevention of financial crime and terrorism funding and other members of the Accountancy Profession.
We are required to keep your personal data for a minimum period of 6 years from the conclusion of your matter in the event that you or we need to reopen your case for the purpose of defending complaints or claims against us.
Under GDPR 2018 you are entitled to request a copy of your personal data that we hold. This is known as a Subject Access Request. We will provide you with a copy of your file containing only your personal data and will not include associated documents that contain your personal data.
If you have any concerns or wish to exercise any of your rights under the GDPR, then you can contact the data protection officer in the following ways:
Name Mr. Halim Rashid FCA
Address: EMA2 Limited (EMA Squared) 110 High Street, Earls Colne, Nr. Colchester, Essex CO6 2QX
Personal data requested will be provided to you free of charge within one calendar month of the request providing the request is not unfounded, excessive or repetitive.
Under these circumstances EMA2 Limited (EMA Squared) reserve the right to refuse a request with the reasons being explained to you.